Note: Pearce papers can be sourced from the CMM Institute.
If you would like more resources, please let me know. I have far more than what is listed.
Andersson, E., Burall, S., & Fennell, E. (2010). Talking for a change: A distributed dialogue approach to complex issues. London: Involve. Retrieved from
Baldwin, C. (1998). Calling the circle: The first and future culture. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
Barge, J. K., & Little, M. (2002). Dialogical wisdom, communicative practice, and organizational life. Communication Theory, 12(4), 375-397. Retrieved from
Bohm, D. (2008). On dialogue. New York, NY: Routledge Classics.
Bojer, M. M., Roehl, H., Kunth, M., & Magner, C. (2008). Mapping dialogue: Essential tools for social change. Chagrin Falls, OH: Taos Institute Press.
Brown, J. & Bennett, S. (1995). Mindshift: Strategic dialogue for breakthrough thinking. Retrieved from
Brown, J. & Isaacs, D. (2005). The world café: Shaping our futures through conversations that matter. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Buber, M. (1970). I and thou (A new translation, with a prologue and notes by Walter Kaufmann). New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Elliott, J., Pearce, B., & Saunders, H. (2009) Making wise choices: Critically assessing situations to decide the most appropriate dialogue, deliberation or engagement process. Unpublished paper, DDPE, Fielding Graduate University.
Flick, D. L. (1998). From debate to dialogue: Using the understanding process to transform our conversations. Boulder, CO: Orchid Publications.
Isaacs, W. N. (1993). Taking flight: Dialogue, collective thinking, and organizational learning. Organizational Dynamics, 22(2), 24-39. Retrieved from
Isaacs, W. N. (1999). Dialogue and the art of thinking together: A pioneering approach to communicating in business and in life. New York, NY: Currency.
Pearce, K. (2010). Public engagement and civic maturity: A public dialogue consortium perspective. San Francisco, CA: Pearce Associates.
Pearce, W. B. (2007). Making social worlds: A communication perspective. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
Pearce, W. B. (2007b). Dialogue and deliberation, virtuosity as a practitioner, and taking a communication perspective. Unpublished paper, DDPE, Fielding Graduate University.
Pearce, W. B. (2008). Thinking systemically about dialogue and deliberation. Unpublished paper, DDPE, Fielding Graduate University.
Pearce, W. B., & Pearce, K. (2010). Aligning the work of government to strengthen the work of citizens: A study of administrators in local and regional government. Unpublished paper, DDPE, Fielding Graduate University.
Pruitt, B. & Thomas, P. (2007). Democratic dialogue: A handbook for practitioners. New York, NY: CIDA, IDEA, OAS, UNDP.
Saunders, H. H. (2005). Politics is about relationship: A blueprint for the citizens’ century. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Shotter, J. (2009). Moments of common reference in dialogic communication: A basis for unconfused collaboration in unique contexts. International Journal of Collaborative Practices, 1, 31-39.
Spano, S.J. (2001). Public dialogue and participatory democracy: The Cupertino community project. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc.
Wheatley, M.J. (2002). Turning to one another: Simple conversations to restore hope to the future. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Yankelovich, D. (1999). The magic of dialogue: Transforming conflict into cooperation. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.